Sadly had delisted my games and stop allowing payment from thier system. So unitil I move all my games to steam , which will take a couple months.
You can pay on PayPal without an account if you have that option. Or follow my pages and wait for the steam release annoucment.
Or my Patreon for $10 above you can play this game and others i've made.
Hello, I just bought this game and am trying to download it through the app browser, but it says the download is hosted on an incompatible third party site. Could you perhaps fix this? Thank you!
If I remember correctly, all you have to do is upload the game directly on I'm pretty sure no 3-party is needed in order to upload the game, but you can if you want.
Really needs better controls. No strafing, the guard action is over-complicated and doesn't work w/ the melee weapon (why is it not just shift to roll backwards, and Shift+ <W/A/S/D> to roll in any direction). Cross-hair is near-invisible most of the time due to no contrast and small, for a game w/o ADS the crosshair at least needs to be always visible.
okay hate to be a bother but after buying the game it took me to another page with a download but it still says demo? if i try to download it through the app browser it keeps saying its trying to download from an incompatible third party site
You have all weapons from beginning in every game mode. You have to push Tab for PC, and Select for controller to access weapon wheel. Read the controls.txt file it will help alot.
And yes I slipped by not adding at sensitivity slider. I will have that patched tomorrow.
Love the combat, love the outfit customization and love the open world setting. Pretty cool for what it is but definitely needs some polishing. A lot of assets are really needing rigid body physics (you can literally walk through half the buildings) and also the game really needs checkpoints scattered around the map. That way you could explore more of it without going all the way back to the starting point every time you die.
Ok I like the game, but I am confuse at the start when you reach the church, there were a lot of enemy's and I couldn't kill 1 of them whit the starting pistol. As well as being confuse where to go, there are no options to remove the shakiest and its a bit too dark to see where i am going
And for some reason when you die there is no respawn or ability to quit to the main menu as well as no tutorial or options for controls
I just wanted to say, I get this. I understand why. But I have a request... please, if you keep it like that, can you have it open the incognito browser instead to do it... pleeease. Or at the very least ask the player whether or not they would like to visit the site. Something like that... I really hate deleting my browsing history every time I play the game. Not only that it feels forced which is never good. It makes a person less likely to even play let alone pay for games when they do that...
Other than that I really don't mind it taking me to a page where I can see what the most recent updates on the game are. I just don't want it saved on my browser. It makes me feel... insecure I guess?. And also, kudos for your honesty and being to the point in that last comment. That gave me a good chuckle. I just feel really uncomfortable when this stuff is saved in history. It's not a good feeling at all. Probably from being abused as a child for nothing but what's new.
Also, I play tested Fui's Forest. Cute. Kinda nostalgic of my N64 days. Wish their was more to it though. Wish it was more of a sniping game with a bolt action rifle instead of an automatic. Powerful but low rate of fire. One shot one kill sort of deal with perfect head shots and what not. Kind of like what a cat does when it pounces on its prey. Hunting, stalking, waiting for the perfect moment to strike for the kill. Maybe a reward system foe doing so... Never did figure out how to lay down in the grass though. It's also a shame there aren't really any consequences for the creatures reaching her or sneaking up on her other than death and a restart from the garden... Still, not bad for what you did in your spare time. Only you know if you'll turn it into something special other than what it already is. Probably not though right?. Just speaking my mind.
Sorry, I'm getting carried away with my comment again. This section is supposed to be for Rain only. Love the name by the way. There is something very relaxing about the game as well. Probably the sound of the rain. I will enjoy play testing the new version once you update it. Wish I could give you some feedback on Rain but like you texted, the games severely out of date so there is really no point in outdated feedback is there... unless of course it pertains to the most recent version as well. Hope it's soon. Until then, thanks for reading.
- "It's a real 'shame'." :/
- "Saying something is often times, better than saying nothing at all..." ^_^
That's great news! Thanks so much! I will most certainly keep my eyes open in the future for your work. You the dev!. Thumbs up.
" your feed back and any will be helpful." ... okay if you're sure...I hope you're in the mood to read and have nothing better to do...:
"As far as feedback for Rain, well I don't really have much to go of off since I was only able to play the very outdated 15-20min. "demo" version. here is everything I have to say about it though from an open mind standpoint"
How I found your games: "Needless to say both Rain & Fui's forest peaked my interest and thus I gave them a test run while scrolling for new games on itch. I actually did not know they were made by the same dev until after I already tried them while reading one of the update forms I came across. A link on itch showing "Other games made by Ecchi games." That's a cool feature. I guess that would fall under marketing feedback on how I heard of your games. Besides that I simply stumbled upon them while scrolling through itch games tagged "adult" As for coming across itch. Funnily enough I came to this website after a google search for another game entirely completely unrelated. From there I made my account on itch and started scrolling through tags. I had no idea at all about the games other than what the icon & pictures showed of your games until reading their description and trying them out for myself. That's saying something. You must be doing something right if I came across them by sheer chance like that. I tend to check the recently added, and popular & new categories. So in updating something of your content it seems to move it to the front of the list again. This is a good thing for any devs that got buried from neglecting their games or haven't been able to kick out an update recently for various reasons whether it be work, family, health, or other. And the rest is history or so they say. "
A Personal Disclaimer? I am not a game tester or gaming professional and do not try to intentionally break games to accurately report what is wrong with them and why. Neither am I one to complain about it. If I don't like something, I don't play it. Simple. If asked I will say what I don't like & or do like. I am simply a grateful recreational game player, that plays games during my free time to enjoy spare time all the more. Sometimes I come across bugs by accident. Most the time I don't report them or care to as most players don't. But when I come across a game that I find interesting or I feel it could really use some form of help. Or maybe I just take a personal liking to it for whatever reason. I try my best to give that game/ developer helpful feedback from the state it is in at the time however I can. But only if I want to. Got to maintain that need for free will somehow after all. Mainly I play games for the fun of them and certainly not for the feeling of a job or that deep grind. Games are meant to be fun, not work. If I wanted to work I'd go to a job and get paid. So with that being said, feel free to disregard any feedback that is not in line with what you already got now, you can't use, or isn't helpful whatsoever. And remember, you are the dev. Only you know how the game was meant to be depicted and received by the community. If something isn't working the way it should then perhaps it's time to listen to the players and make a change accordingly. Take a vote, hold a poll whenever you are uncertain of a choice. If it makes sense and it is intended however, leave it be. Hence the saying "If it isn't broke, don't fix it." This is you're world after all, your creation. You are the god. Even our own reality was left intentionally or coincidentally broken here and there... although we didn't get a vote, yet here we are. The cogs are still turning, for now... "Make the best of what you have until you can make it better." "Inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places." This is the least that I can do for letting us, the player, play the game for free. Sadly I couldn't afford it at this time if I wanted to nor do I have the appropriate rig to play it on even if I did Have it. I mainly just jump from one simple game to the next (Simple to play but not to make) to try them out and do something with my free time other than sleep my life away but I am making a list of the ones I do eventually want to buy. Hopefully completed and not abandoned by the time I get around to it, if ever... but that's besides the point.
The following advice is simply feedback of an overview of the game and how I personally felt about it. I am not asking nor demanding any of the following to actually be changed. If anything, they are ideas to consider, advice & wisdom, and suggestions to make the game better overall. #Feedback. Now that I got that statement out of the way, here goes:
Device used at the time: My 250$ store bought laptop was not able to handle a more recent version I tried to install. The game would hang & then just crash after around 20 seconds any time I tried to leave the weapons room. Probably just an unstable version of sorts or more likely my pc couldn't load everything fast enough and the crash handler closed the game due to a time out. This happened 3 times in a row so I uninstalled it and gave up. I'm not running a gaming rig or anything close to it anyway. Most the time I can get along with a laptop but it has trouble running any 3D game even on 3D games low settings. It barely, barely ran Bioasshard on the games lowest settings and that is pushing it to it's limits. The laptop was able to run the version of Rain on itch on the second to lowest setting without fps drops. Yeah, yeah, don't pick too much fun, being poor sucks, everyone knows this. Not everyone can even afford even that much though so I'm still grateful of what I do have. it's better than nothing after all. And believe me, I know what that's like too, all too well. So here's what I think about what I was able to play from the old version on itch without getting into performance problems caused by a shitware laptop in the next comment.
- The camera wobbling back and forth while driving the car wasn't needed. Unless she was just in an accident... or drunk. Maybe a cinematic camera view like something from GTA. I get what you were going for but I didn't feel it was the greatest execution. Sorry. Better than Nothing though. Maybe the whole car trip should play more like a cinematic from third person, cut to 1st person inside the car. Watch the falling rain go by and hit the car windshield. Hear it Pitter pat, pitter pat. Get that kind of trance going you know. The one people kind of get in when it rains... Then boom! car accident ahead. Time to get to work. Now I feel that would add to the intro. Again this is feedback for an outdated intro. I have no idea what you changed it to or if you changed it or whether it's even still in the game or not.
- I did kind of like the intro of driving up to the site during the rain and getting equipment out of the trunk though before entering. It's a nice approach. A good start to an opening cinematic. Reminded me of what Sam and Deen do in Supernatural before taking out a monster nest... granted that's a tv series and not a game though for comparison. But hey, sometimes the most important step is being prepared for the journey ahead. "There can be no end without a beginning."
- In one of the earlier comments a player stated that they felt the enemies were too tanky. I also feel enemies were too tanky for the pistol in that version. However you have already responded to that by stating that the version isn't worth playing as it is extremely outdated.
"Headshots doing extra damage is always a good feature in almost any game. Not sure if that plays a part though in this game. Seems like it did. I am a fan of the way Resident Evil handles it's zombies, with them being more or less, killed in 1-4 headshots. Yet they are sneaky enough and usually only make a sound when they are about to lunge/ grab the player sometimes scaring the daylights out of them in the process."
- Hitboxes seemed pretty good but it's hard to tell without actually being able to see them... I will say when they put their arms up it made it seem like even though the player aimed between the arms the bullet would still get blocked which doesn't make sense if the player has a sharp eye and good aim. A lucky bullet is like a critical hit after all and should still do full damage when a enemy is guarding.
- On average it took me 2-3 clips of ammo to kill just one of your insane asylum creations . "That's a complement on their design btw."
- Pistols in most games are usually weak and there is almost always a notable difference in difficulty with better guns once the player obtains them. I imagine Fui's Forest would have felt the same exact way had she not had access to an automatic weapon from the start. The enemies being too tanky and all...
- Fui's forest felt like target practice due to the slow moving creatures and open space which made it relaxing. Which I like in that game by the way. It fit's. Rain on the other hand is more on the tense side (which I feel it should be given the environment) since it's close quarters with demonic creatures, and basically one hit player deaths. But a "little" more player health wouldn't hurt Rain at all... 3 hit kill would be better. Or a system where she can get infected and needs to find a cure if the player is hit at all could add suspense. Maybe even add a timer when she does get hit until infection with the 3 hit player death system. Just an idea. The end battle started to feel repetitive between running around in a circle rounding them up. Taking a few shots and then running again until you could get enough space between them and Rain to turn around and take another shot or two. This running around avoiding them turn shooting just seemed to drag on too long to the point it wasn't tense anymore but a normal procedure. That kind of got boring & stupid eventually to put it bluntly.
- Faceless creatures tend to be creepy. So that's good. I'm glad this game doesn't get gore mixed up with horror. This is a common mistake made by many these days. Gore is being ridiculously overused. If gore is anything it's just gross/ disgusting, but not creepy, or scary unless it's used absolutely right. Such as a bloodstreak leading into a room where you watched someone just get dragged away by something you didn't quite see or understand what the hell it was. Only if blood is used right is it creepy/ scary... Therefor gore is almost never scary or unnerving anymore due to kids getting used to it early from violent games. Good thing you don't have that problem eh. Just remember, this is an adult game, not a kid game. Adults are more difficult to scare than kids... well, usually.
- You definitely designed enemies with a lot of health though, both in Rain and Fui's Forest. It seems to be a pattern. However, I am thankful they are nothing like the "bullet sponges" from other games... I'm on the side where bullet sponges don't make much sense and they are stupid overpowered because of it. A few examples of a "bullet sponge" that comes to mind: Nemesis from Resident Evil although he's supposed to be, Just about any 20min fight monster in Monster Hunter. Just a huuuge health bar to put it simply. Anything relatable... Most boss fights probably shouldn't last more than 10-15min... that's more of an opinion though than a fact. Although, I have to admit, some of the boss fights from Devil May Cry as bullet spongy as they were are actually pretty damn fun. Sometimes there is nothing more satisfying than pumping a vicious monster full of holes and coming out on top. Only if there is an apt reward for it though. It must have purpose.
"Personally I don't tend to like tanky enemies in games. However I make exceptions for bosses as they wouldn't be bosses without a little tankyness."
- Every enemy in the game felt like a mini boss. "Challenging to kill, but possible with determination to do so." So if that's what you were going for you certainly achieved it.
- The rain makes soo much sense given the name of the game. It just fits. - "Can't Rain all the time" Just like that quote fit the moment in "The Crow." The movie. Again this is something I know for a fact you got right.
- I did not feel the environment was too dark but I also wasn't able to play at full quality with shadows enabled either without my pc fps dropping to hell and the game being unplayable so I can't really give you any accurate feedback on this one...
- Given the nature of the game I feel as if it should be kind of dark... It adds fear for some. Isn't that good. Isn't this game supposed to be a bit tense, suspenseful, fearful/ horror genre?...
- The ammo was definitely tightly balanced at first with just enough to get you by the 1st encounter. Especially if you missed a few. Really tight if you did not pick up the ammo from the cabins to the right upon entering the... where was she?. Cemetery?. Village?. The game didn't really explain where she was or why.
-Which reminds me. Rain Needed a story/ back story & intro. Who is she, where is she, why. What are those... things (this is better left unknown until later in the game to add suspense.) Not knowing is also scary too sometimes... but I still feel a purpose what the player was doing there in the 1st place would be a very good idea. There wasn't much of anything like that in the demo I played. It just left it all up to the players imagination.
- I was able to clear the final encounter with 200 or so bullets left over so that gives the player a lot to work with. Even if they miss. A machine gun usually solves an over abundance ammunition problem due to a lack a trigger discipline when given a fully automatic. It's when the player has spare ammo after using one where they should be pretty much out of ammo after that there is a balancing problem...
- Noticed that the game was cheese-able by simply crouching down and staying that way. The monsters would simply not be able to hit Rain because they would swing over her head. Hilariously I don't think I'd be able to beat the church battle at the end without doing so though as I kept getting impatient with the running around after beating it the 1st time...
- There was a open door in the back of the house where you get the 1st encounter that was completely open. Easily allowing the player to get outside the map and just run to the back door of the church to beat the demo without encountering a single enemy. I imagine this has long since been fixed in the new version.
- As far as sound goes the monsters scream was over used/ needs more slight variations. It doesn't make sense to hear it though unless something is around unless it is faded into the distance of the direction of one. Just keep in mind some people with attuned hearing like to identify what something is by the sound of the "noises" it makes once they understand what they sound like. Everything else more or less went unnoticed by me so I can't really say.
- Some sound effect ideas if they aren't already a thing: Maybe add the sound of wood creaking when near buildings or trees. Leafs blowing in the wind. The wind itself... Doors creaking open when opening doors. Especially the gates. The sound of rain was convincing enough. The sound of walking on glass when walking in a building near a broken window.
- The Controls: Camera movement with the mouse was good although could use a setting to be more responsive. Movement with wasd is pretty standard so good. Reload with R is good. Crouch with C is sensible. At most add a keymapping setting for anyone that wishes for different customizable controls if it isn't already a thing.
- Adult content: Compared to Fui's forest I did not like at all that the camera was fixed in Rain and that it was not controllable. Her legs flopping up and down off to the sides from POV view in which you couldn't really see much of anything or what was actually happening was silly and just... well... bad. If the animation was let played until the end she kind of just lays there like she's a dead doll and there was really no happy ending. So, here are some base suggestions if you haven't done so already because its so obvious:
- Make the adult camera controllable and not fixed so the player can see more/ get the best viewing angle according to the player.
- Make the creature body see through so it doesn't take up the entire screen when viewing the girl close up.
- Maybe make options to make the genitals of the creature see through as well...
- Make a finish/ multiple finishes & positions to sex scenes. Doggystyle, spooning, cumshot, creampie (pref.), facial, whatever just give it a ending. No one likes to talk about this stuff, but for an adult game it had a severe lack of adult content. Fui's forest also needs finishes for its adult scenes... a girls not satisfied unless she's had an orgasm.
- As far as adult content goes the game wasn't worth it at all compared to it's rivals until it gets updated unless you're just in it for a laugh. I imagine this has already been drastically improved though in the future versions.
- For a third person shooter though it was entertaining to say the least for a very brief period. Reminiscent of resident evil and that's the way to go if aiming for that direction. The demo was very short after all. Drive up, get out, get equipment out of the trunk, go in, go left to house, open chest to get key to gate, kill creature on the way out, open gate, go in church, kill all creatures, Win. Get sent to patron against will XD.
- As for Rain's character design, I liked it. I also saw before the newer version crashed on my laptop that you had implemented some minor character customization. Didn't really get to see what it was but I will say this: Nice move. I approve of that. Hair color, eye color, skin color, cloths choices, gun choices, breast size, butt size, nipple size, Hair styles, & weight are all good features to have in any adult game. People do love to be able to change their appearance at any given time after all. But if you want Rain to look a certain way don't let players change certain features...
- Other than all that, That's it, that's "everything" I can think of from playing such a short demo off the top of my head. What I thought of Rain in it's entirety. I know, I said a lot and I apologize for too much information & being bluntfully truthful and forward at times but I believe the straightforward truth is the best way to take out the guess work. The quickest way to get to the point and get things done right. I also apologize for going astray here and there and having a strong opinion on other things. This will probably be my last feedback for a while for these games though so I wanted to be thorough. I hope there is something that you could use here to improve the overall experience for just about everyone. Not everyone likes the same things after all. That's what makes us all unique. words to live by, words to live by... If anything this feedback and it's suggestions are just to help spark ideas and keep the imagination train rolling. "Hope there is something here to spark the imagination, & ignite the fuel for your ideas. For imagination lies the foundation to create. To create is to bring the imagination into reality." "So unleash your creativity." and hopefully, share it with us all when you're done that are like minded. And then you will hopefully truly get everything that you've earned in earnest. You're on your way... Good luck.
I just want to wrap this up by saying thank you to the dev for responding to little ol' me. I know little to nothing of game development or game programming. Even after playing games over 20 years. After all that time I have to have some knowledge about them that's meaningful. So I share what I can. I do not consider myself anywhere near their level when it comes down to game engineering or development. For that you have my awe and admiration. Even with just the simple games. It really means a lot to me when the developer/ dev teams themselves reply's to/ sends a message instead of some stupid automated messaging machine to the players. How ever do you find the time of day to appeal to many is beyond me.
"It seems the more time we spend with tech, the less time we actually have for each other as human beings..." and so, thank you for being human.
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I don't have a paypal account are there any other ways to perchase these games
Sadly had delisted my games and stop allowing payment from thier system. So unitil I move all my games to steam , which will take a couple months.
You can pay on PayPal without an account if you have that option. Or follow my pages and wait for the steam release annoucment.
Or my Patreon for $10 above you can play this game and others i've made.
Since I bought the game a few weeks ago, how do I apply the update? Do I have to buy the game again?
Just redownload the new version, and delete the old version. Your save data as for ammo and clothing unlocked won't be deleted.
Updated with final new boss and cut scenes.
Hello, I just bought this game and am trying to download it through the app browser, but it says the download is hosted on an incompatible third party site. Could you perhaps fix this? Thank you!
I think its not compatible with Mega links. I will look into , But for now can just use the link.
If I remember correctly, all you have to do is upload the game directly on I'm pretty sure no 3-party is needed in order to upload the game, but you can if you want.
Really needs better controls. No strafing, the guard action is over-complicated and doesn't work w/ the melee weapon (why is it not just shift to roll backwards, and Shift+ <W/A/S/D> to roll in any direction). Cross-hair is near-invisible most of the time due to no contrast and small, for a game w/o ADS the crosshair at least needs to be always visible.
Thanks for you feedback and concerns.
This game was purposely intended to mock the tanky controls of PS1 & PS2 era.
As for the crosshair concerns, I will post update where you can change opacity and color of the cross-hair.
are there defeat scenes when zombies knock you down
Ava's Apartment has the 18+ content located on main menu.
great game i like the graphics and the customization but the combat isnt really that great, but still great game
Is there are way to uncensor her private parts in her apartment? I paid 10 dollars for the full version so I assumed it would be uncensored..
The censor is on here vagina as part of the game design.
i check every once in a while to see if you fixed this.
Check in about a month , when you see the new overhaul you will be happy!
okay hate to be a bother but after buying the game it took me to another page with a download but it still says demo? if i try to download it through the app browser it keeps saying its trying to download from an incompatible third party site
Download link fixed now for fixed updated full game.
Is there a defeat type system or is it just a gallery for now?
In game apartment with 20 solo animations
Really needs mouse sensitivity controls and the game starts me off with no weapons in story mode? Also apartment needs some form of automation.
You have all weapons from beginning in every game mode. You have to push Tab for PC, and Select for controller to access weapon wheel. Read the controls.txt file it will help alot.
And yes I slipped by not adding at sensitivity slider. I will have that patched tomorrow.
Love the combat, love the outfit customization and love the open world setting. Pretty cool for what it is but definitely needs some polishing. A lot of assets are really needing rigid body physics (you can literally walk through half the buildings) and also the game really needs checkpoints scattered around the map. That way you could explore more of it without going all the way back to the starting point every time you die.
Thanks for your feedback, I plan to update soon and will have fast travel for locations you discovered.
there is a bug when i open the tablet , i have no curser. when i press esc then it appears.
Ah thank for the report, I will have that fixed with update build this month
Ok I like the game, but I am confuse at the start when you reach the church, there were a lot of enemy's and I couldn't kill 1 of them whit the starting pistol. As well as being confuse where to go, there are no options to remove the shakiest and its a bit too dark to see where i am going
And for some reason when you die there is no respawn or ability to quit to the main menu as well as no tutorial or options for controls
The build is very old and outdated , from years ago honesntly not worth playing.
The new build will be released this month. But you can kill them with pistol, they just very tanky
how tanky are they? because it felt i was doing 0 damage after dumping like 2 mags in 1 and do you do more damage if you shoot em in the head?
Okay so, it's probably a really early demo and all, but why does the "quit" button in the main menu go to your Patreon instead of exiting the game
Shameless self promotion
Fair. Have a nice day.
I just wanted to say, I get this. I understand why. But I have a request... please, if you keep it like that, can you have it open the incognito browser instead to do it... pleeease. Or at the very least ask the player whether or not they would like to visit the site. Something like that... I really hate deleting my browsing history every time I play the game. Not only that it feels forced which is never good. It makes a person less likely to even play let alone pay for games when they do that...
Other than that I really don't mind it taking me to a page where I can see what the most recent updates on the game are. I just don't want it saved on my browser. It makes me feel... insecure I guess?. And also, kudos for your honesty and being to the point in that last comment. That gave me a good chuckle. I just feel really uncomfortable when this stuff is saved in history. It's not a good feeling at all. Probably from being abused as a child for nothing but what's new.
Also, I play tested Fui's Forest. Cute. Kinda nostalgic of my N64 days. Wish their was more to it though. Wish it was more of a sniping game with a bolt action rifle instead of an automatic. Powerful but low rate of fire. One shot one kill sort of deal with perfect head shots and what not. Kind of like what a cat does when it pounces on its prey. Hunting, stalking, waiting for the perfect moment to strike for the kill. Maybe a reward system foe doing so... Never did figure out how to lay down in the grass though. It's also a shame there aren't really any consequences for the creatures reaching her or sneaking up on her other than death and a restart from the garden... Still, not bad for what you did in your spare time. Only you know if you'll turn it into something special other than what it already is. Probably not though right?. Just speaking my mind.
Sorry, I'm getting carried away with my comment again. This section is supposed to be for Rain only. Love the name by the way. There is something very relaxing about the game as well. Probably the sound of the rain. I will enjoy play testing the new version once you update it. Wish I could give you some feedback on Rain but like you texted, the games severely out of date so there is really no point in outdated feedback is there... unless of course it pertains to the most recent version as well. Hope it's soon. Until then, thanks for reading.
- "It's a real 'shame'." :/
- "Saying something is often times, better than saying nothing at all..." ^_^
He thanks you for your comment all note were taken.
I do plan to only make it a button you click if you want to visit the Patreon.
Also I may update FUI forest will some added features, a small back story and actual ending.
That will probably later than sooner because the two games I want to focus on finishing and releasing are Rain and Agent Uki.
But thank's for playing my game's anyway the update to Rain(18+) will be posted soon so your feed back and any will be helpful.
That's great news! Thanks so much! I will most certainly keep my eyes open in the future for your work. You the dev!. Thumbs up.
" your feed back and any will be helpful." ... okay if you're sure...I hope you're in the mood to read and have nothing better to do...:
"As far as feedback for Rain, well I don't really have much to go of off since I was only able to play the very outdated 15-20min. "demo" version. here is everything I have to say about it though from an open mind standpoint"
How I found your games: "Needless to say both Rain & Fui's forest peaked my interest and thus I gave them a test run while scrolling for new games on itch. I actually did not know they were made by the same dev until after I already tried them while reading one of the update forms I came across. A link on itch showing "Other games made by Ecchi games." That's a cool feature. I guess that would fall under marketing feedback on how I heard of your games. Besides that I simply stumbled upon them while scrolling through itch games tagged "adult" As for coming across itch. Funnily enough I came to this website after a google search for another game entirely completely unrelated. From there I made my account on itch and started scrolling through tags. I had no idea at all about the games other than what the icon & pictures showed of your games until reading their description and trying them out for myself. That's saying something. You must be doing something right if I came across them by sheer chance like that. I tend to check the recently added, and popular & new categories. So in updating something of your content it seems to move it to the front of the list again. This is a good thing for any devs that got buried from neglecting their games or haven't been able to kick out an update recently for various reasons whether it be work, family, health, or other. And the rest is history or so they say. "
A Personal Disclaimer? I am not a game tester or gaming professional and do not try to intentionally break games to accurately report what is wrong with them and why. Neither am I one to complain about it. If I don't like something, I don't play it. Simple. If asked I will say what I don't like & or do like. I am simply a grateful recreational game player, that plays games during my free time to enjoy spare time all the more. Sometimes I come across bugs by accident. Most the time I don't report them or care to as most players don't. But when I come across a game that I find interesting or I feel it could really use some form of help. Or maybe I just take a personal liking to it for whatever reason. I try my best to give that game/ developer helpful feedback from the state it is in at the time however I can. But only if I want to. Got to maintain that need for free will somehow after all. Mainly I play games for the fun of them and certainly not for the feeling of a job or that deep grind. Games are meant to be fun, not work. If I wanted to work I'd go to a job and get paid. So with that being said, feel free to disregard any feedback that is not in line with what you already got now, you can't use, or isn't helpful whatsoever. And remember, you are the dev. Only you know how the game was meant to be depicted and received by the community. If something isn't working the way it should then perhaps it's time to listen to the players and make a change accordingly. Take a vote, hold a poll whenever you are uncertain of a choice. If it makes sense and it is intended however, leave it be. Hence the saying "If it isn't broke, don't fix it." This is you're world after all, your creation. You are the god. Even our own reality was left intentionally or coincidentally broken here and there... although we didn't get a vote, yet here we are. The cogs are still turning, for now... "Make the best of what you have until you can make it better." "Inspiration can come from the most unlikely of places." This is the least that I can do for letting us, the player, play the game for free. Sadly I couldn't afford it at this time if I wanted to nor do I have the appropriate rig to play it on even if I did Have it. I mainly just jump from one simple game to the next (Simple to play but not to make) to try them out and do something with my free time other than sleep my life away but I am making a list of the ones I do eventually want to buy. Hopefully completed and not abandoned by the time I get around to it, if ever... but that's besides the point.
The following advice is simply feedback of an overview of the game and how I personally felt about it. I am not asking nor demanding any of the following to actually be changed. If anything, they are ideas to consider, advice & wisdom, and suggestions to make the game better overall. #Feedback. Now that I got that statement out of the way, here goes:
Device used at the time: My 250$ store bought laptop was not able to handle a more recent version I tried to install. The game would hang & then just crash after around 20 seconds any time I tried to leave the weapons room. Probably just an unstable version of sorts or more likely my pc couldn't load everything fast enough and the crash handler closed the game due to a time out. This happened 3 times in a row so I uninstalled it and gave up. I'm not running a gaming rig or anything close to it anyway. Most the time I can get along with a laptop but it has trouble running any 3D game even on 3D games low settings. It barely, barely ran Bioasshard on the games lowest settings and that is pushing it to it's limits. The laptop was able to run the version of Rain on itch on the second to lowest setting without fps drops. Yeah, yeah, don't pick too much fun, being poor sucks, everyone knows this. Not everyone can even afford even that much though so I'm still grateful of what I do have. it's better than nothing after all. And believe me, I know what that's like too, all too well. So here's what I think about what I was able to play from the old version on itch without getting into performance problems caused by a shitware laptop in the next comment.
Rain Feedback & suggestions before big update:
- The camera wobbling back and forth while driving the car wasn't needed. Unless she was just in an accident... or drunk. Maybe a cinematic camera view like something from GTA. I get what you were going for but I didn't feel it was the greatest execution. Sorry. Better than Nothing though. Maybe the whole car trip should play more like a cinematic from third person, cut to 1st person inside the car. Watch the falling rain go by and hit the car windshield. Hear it Pitter pat, pitter pat. Get that kind of trance going you know. The one people kind of get in when it rains... Then boom! car accident ahead. Time to get to work. Now I feel that would add to the intro. Again this is feedback for an outdated intro. I have no idea what you changed it to or if you changed it or whether it's even still in the game or not.
- I did kind of like the intro of driving up to the site during the rain and getting equipment out of the trunk though before entering. It's a nice approach. A good start to an opening cinematic. Reminded me of what Sam and Deen do in Supernatural before taking out a monster nest... granted that's a tv series and not a game though for comparison. But hey, sometimes the most important step is being prepared for the journey ahead. "There can be no end without a beginning."
- In one of the earlier comments a player stated that they felt the enemies were too tanky. I also feel enemies were too tanky for the pistol in that version. However you have already responded to that by stating that the version isn't worth playing as it is extremely outdated.
"Headshots doing extra damage is always a good feature in almost any game. Not sure if that plays a part though in this game. Seems like it did. I am a fan of the way Resident Evil handles it's zombies, with them being more or less, killed in 1-4 headshots. Yet they are sneaky enough and usually only make a sound when they are about to lunge/ grab the player sometimes scaring the daylights out of them in the process."
- Hitboxes seemed pretty good but it's hard to tell without actually being able to see them... I will say when they put their arms up it made it seem like even though the player aimed between the arms the bullet would still get blocked which doesn't make sense if the player has a sharp eye and good aim. A lucky bullet is like a critical hit after all and should still do full damage when a enemy is guarding.
- On average it took me 2-3 clips of ammo to kill just one of your insane asylum creations . "That's a complement on their design btw."
- Pistols in most games are usually weak and there is almost always a notable difference in difficulty with better guns once the player obtains them. I imagine Fui's Forest would have felt the same exact way had she not had access to an automatic weapon from the start. The enemies being too tanky and all...
- Fui's forest felt like target practice due to the slow moving creatures and open space which made it relaxing. Which I like in that game by the way. It fit's. Rain on the other hand is more on the tense side (which I feel it should be given the environment) since it's close quarters with demonic creatures, and basically one hit player deaths. But a "little" more player health wouldn't hurt Rain at all... 3 hit kill would be better. Or a system where she can get infected and needs to find a cure if the player is hit at all could add suspense. Maybe even add a timer when she does get hit until infection with the 3 hit player death system. Just an idea. The end battle started to feel repetitive between running around in a circle rounding them up. Taking a few shots and then running again until you could get enough space between them and Rain to turn around and take another shot or two. This running around avoiding them turn shooting just seemed to drag on too long to the point it wasn't tense anymore but a normal procedure. That kind of got boring & stupid eventually to put it bluntly.
- Faceless creatures tend to be creepy. So that's good. I'm glad this game doesn't get gore mixed up with horror. This is a common mistake made by many these days. Gore is being ridiculously overused. If gore is anything it's just gross/ disgusting, but not creepy, or scary unless it's used absolutely right. Such as a bloodstreak leading into a room where you watched someone just get dragged away by something you didn't quite see or understand what the hell it was. Only if blood is used right is it creepy/ scary... Therefor gore is almost never scary or unnerving anymore due to kids getting used to it early from violent games. Good thing you don't have that problem eh. Just remember, this is an adult game, not a kid game. Adults are more difficult to scare than kids... well, usually.
- You definitely designed enemies with a lot of health though, both in Rain and Fui's Forest. It seems to be a pattern. However, I am thankful they are nothing like the "bullet sponges" from other games... I'm on the side where bullet sponges don't make much sense and they are stupid overpowered because of it. A few examples of a "bullet sponge" that comes to mind: Nemesis from Resident Evil although he's supposed to be, Just about any 20min fight monster in Monster Hunter. Just a huuuge health bar to put it simply. Anything relatable... Most boss fights probably shouldn't last more than 10-15min... that's more of an opinion though than a fact. Although, I have to admit, some of the boss fights from Devil May Cry as bullet spongy as they were are actually pretty damn fun. Sometimes there is nothing more satisfying than pumping a vicious monster full of holes and coming out on top. Only if there is an apt reward for it though. It must have purpose.
"Personally I don't tend to like tanky enemies in games. However I make exceptions for bosses as they wouldn't be bosses without a little tankyness."
- Every enemy in the game felt like a mini boss. "Challenging to kill, but possible with determination to do so." So if that's what you were going for you certainly achieved it.
- The rain makes soo much sense given the name of the game. It just fits. - "Can't Rain all the time" Just like that quote fit the moment in "The Crow." The movie. Again this is something I know for a fact you got right.
- I did not feel the environment was too dark but I also wasn't able to play at full quality with shadows enabled either without my pc fps dropping to hell and the game being unplayable so I can't really give you any accurate feedback on this one...
- Given the nature of the game I feel as if it should be kind of dark... It adds fear for some. Isn't that good. Isn't this game supposed to be a bit tense, suspenseful, fearful/ horror genre?...
- The ammo was definitely tightly balanced at first with just enough to get you by the 1st encounter. Especially if you missed a few. Really tight if you did not pick up the ammo from the cabins to the right upon entering the... where was she?. Cemetery?. Village?. The game didn't really explain where she was or why.
-Which reminds me. Rain Needed a story/ back story & intro. Who is she, where is she, why. What are those... things (this is better left unknown until later in the game to add suspense.) Not knowing is also scary too sometimes... but I still feel a purpose what the player was doing there in the 1st place would be a very good idea. There wasn't much of anything like that in the demo I played. It just left it all up to the players imagination.
- I was able to clear the final encounter with 200 or so bullets left over so that gives the player a lot to work with. Even if they miss. A machine gun usually solves an over abundance ammunition problem due to a lack a trigger discipline when given a fully automatic. It's when the player has spare ammo after using one where they should be pretty much out of ammo after that there is a balancing problem...
- Noticed that the game was cheese-able by simply crouching down and staying that way. The monsters would simply not be able to hit Rain because they would swing over her head. Hilariously I don't think I'd be able to beat the church battle at the end without doing so though as I kept getting impatient with the running around after beating it the 1st time...
- There was a open door in the back of the house where you get the 1st encounter that was completely open. Easily allowing the player to get outside the map and just run to the back door of the church to beat the demo without encountering a single enemy. I imagine this has long since been fixed in the new version.
- As far as sound goes the monsters scream was over used/ needs more slight variations. It doesn't make sense to hear it though unless something is around unless it is faded into the distance of the direction of one. Just keep in mind some people with attuned hearing like to identify what something is by the sound of the "noises" it makes once they understand what they sound like. Everything else more or less went unnoticed by me so I can't really say.
- Some sound effect ideas if they aren't already a thing: Maybe add the sound of wood creaking when near buildings or trees. Leafs blowing in the wind. The wind itself... Doors creaking open when opening doors. Especially the gates. The sound of rain was convincing enough. The sound of walking on glass when walking in a building near a broken window.
- The Controls: Camera movement with the mouse was good although could use a setting to be more responsive. Movement with wasd is pretty standard so good. Reload with R is good. Crouch with C is sensible. At most add a keymapping setting for anyone that wishes for different customizable controls if it isn't already a thing.
- Adult content: Compared to Fui's forest I did not like at all that the camera was fixed in Rain and that it was not controllable. Her legs flopping up and down off to the sides from POV view in which you couldn't really see much of anything or what was actually happening was silly and just... well... bad. If the animation was let played until the end she kind of just lays there like she's a dead doll and there was really no happy ending. So, here are some base suggestions if you haven't done so already because its so obvious:
- Make the adult camera controllable and not fixed so the player can see more/ get the best viewing angle according to the player.
- Make the creature body see through so it doesn't take up the entire screen when viewing the girl close up.
- Maybe make options to make the genitals of the creature see through as well...
- Make a finish/ multiple finishes & positions to sex scenes. Doggystyle, spooning, cumshot, creampie (pref.), facial, whatever just give it a ending. No one likes to talk about this stuff, but for an adult game it had a severe lack of adult content. Fui's forest also needs finishes for its adult scenes... a girls not satisfied unless she's had an orgasm.
- As far as adult content goes the game wasn't worth it at all compared to it's rivals until it gets updated unless you're just in it for a laugh. I imagine this has already been drastically improved though in the future versions.
- For a third person shooter though it was entertaining to say the least for a very brief period. Reminiscent of resident evil and that's the way to go if aiming for that direction. The demo was very short after all. Drive up, get out, get equipment out of the trunk, go in, go left to house, open chest to get key to gate, kill creature on the way out, open gate, go in church, kill all creatures, Win. Get sent to patron against will XD.
- As for Rain's character design, I liked it. I also saw before the newer version crashed on my laptop that you had implemented some minor character customization. Didn't really get to see what it was but I will say this: Nice move. I approve of that. Hair color, eye color, skin color, cloths choices, gun choices, breast size, butt size, nipple size, Hair styles, & weight are all good features to have in any adult game. People do love to be able to change their appearance at any given time after all. But if you want Rain to look a certain way don't let players change certain features...
- Other than all that, That's it, that's "everything" I can think of from playing such a short demo off the top of my head. What I thought of Rain in it's entirety. I know, I said a lot and I apologize for too much information & being bluntfully truthful and forward at times but I believe the straightforward truth is the best way to take out the guess work. The quickest way to get to the point and get things done right. I also apologize for going astray here and there and having a strong opinion on other things. This will probably be my last feedback for a while for these games though so I wanted to be thorough. I hope there is something that you could use here to improve the overall experience for just about everyone. Not everyone likes the same things after all. That's what makes us all unique. words to live by, words to live by... If anything this feedback and it's suggestions are just to help spark ideas and keep the imagination train rolling. "Hope there is something here to spark the imagination, & ignite the fuel for your ideas. For imagination lies the foundation to create. To create is to bring the imagination into reality." "So unleash your creativity." and hopefully, share it with us all when you're done that are like minded. And then you will hopefully truly get everything that you've earned in earnest. You're on your way... Good luck.
I just want to wrap this up by saying thank you to the dev for responding to little ol' me. I know little to nothing of game development or game programming. Even after playing games over 20 years. After all that time I have to have some knowledge about them that's meaningful. So I share what I can. I do not consider myself anywhere near their level when it comes down to game engineering or development. For that you have my awe and admiration. Even with just the simple games. It really means a lot to me when the developer/ dev teams themselves reply's to/ sends a message instead of some stupid automated messaging machine to the players. How ever do you find the time of day to appeal to many is beyond me.
"It seems the more time we spend with tech, the less time we actually have for each other as human beings..." and so, thank you for being human.
maybe not YouTube friendly? haha
Maybe true lol, I blurred out most the adult stuff
Well you can't argue with that